The condition of in-water infrastructure is always of concern. Whether publicly or privately owned and managed, it is critical that stakeholders have a clear understanding of the condition of assets.
Whether bridge piers in flowing rivers, water intake structures, or any of a variety of important installations, all are aging. If you haven't seen a structure in many years, a thorough look using leading edge sonar technology may be the best approach.
Bridge failure in progress.
Above surface image of failed bridge pier.
Sonar image mosaic of failed bridge pier.
Fan beam profile with measurements of pier subduction.
Cone beam profile with measurements of pier subduction.
Condition assessment of 100 year old pier.
Sonar image of bridge pier with rip rap armoring intact.
Sonar image of bridge pier obscured by biological debris.
Sonar image of bridge pier after modified scan settings and frequencies, indicating the hidden subduction.
Image showing significant river channel erosion, cone beam profile.
Multiple overlaid sonar images showing day lighted pipeline.
Multiple overlaid sonar images showing day lighted pipeline with measurements and observations.
Bank to bank profile mosaic of bridge including overlay of as-built drawing.